Request for proposals under the Social Inclusion Community Activation Programme for the delivery of educational and/or developmental supports to children and young people (under 18 years of age). KLP, under the Social Inclusion Community Activation Programme has a small fund to support activities/programmes under the headings below.
- Additional tuition
- Access to further education & training
- After-school youth work initiatives
- Sports/recreation/culture
- Wellbeing
- English language supports
- Equality/Anti-discrimination
- Family supports
- Pre-school supports
- Homework club
- Information technology
- Youth work
- Climate Action
Programmes/activities must have a focus on communities/groups experiencing social exclusion and/or aimed at preventing/reducing early school leaving, encouraging young children who have left the school system to return and assisting them into further education, training, or the labour market.
To qualify applicants must:
- Have experience delivering youth focused programmes/projects.
- Have experience working with diverse and marginalised groups.
- Be able to reflect an understanding of issues attached to social inclusion/exclusion.
- Relevant administration skills that support the necessary recording and administration of the delivery of accredited and uncredited programmes or modules.
Proposals must contain:
- Cover letter/email
- A CV/Personal Profile or Organisation overview
- A completed SICAP application form
- An outline of the proposal or approach to module/programme/project and deliverables.
- Tax Clearance Cert. Tenderers should contact their local Revenue District or Large Cases Division as appropriate. Full contact details can be obtained, and for most cases an online application for Tax Clearance Certs can be made at
- Copy of Insurance where appropriate
Applications should be submitted to:
Claire Doheny
8 Patrick’s Court
Patrick Street
R95 X677
Or by email to: no later than 5pm on Friday 21st February 2025