The Ferrybank Allotment Project has won the coveted ‘IPB Pride Of Place 2012’. The award is proudly displayed in the local Kilkenny County Library.
The Ferrybank Allotment Project is community based and there is a strong emphasis on social inclusion. Paul Malone (Ferrybank allotment Group Chairman) said that in addition to locally born Ferrybank residents there are plot owners from Poland, The Republic of Congo and many more countries.
Some of the plots are used by the Brothers of Charity for training. If you visit on a Tuesday morning you will witness a fantastic community spirit up there with everyone lending a hand.The group is also experimenting with a combination of nettles and water in order to make their own ‘natural’ fertilizer.
New development are also underway as the group carry out plans for the new Community Sensory Garden.
There is a waiting list for plots at the moment but if you are interested in getting your own plot and joining the Project, contact Paul Malone 087 260 3029