Date for your diary
Advancing Recovery
in collaboration with the
Mental Health Services
Working together with local groups through Link Up, the Consumer Panel and the HSE, the ARI Project is seeking your knowledge and experience to inform us of what needs to be done to create a more recovery orientated Mental Health Service.
…We want you to come along, take part and make a difference.
Tuesday 8th October
At 2pm
In Set Theatre, Langtons
ARI stands for Advancing Recovery in Ireland and is based on ImROC (Implementing Recovery through Organisational Change). To find out more go to or contact Gina Delaney at 0873101146. This is the opening event for Kilkenny’s World Mental Health Week
Press Release:
World Mental Health Day is an annual event celebrated on October 10th all over the world. Link Up is a local forum consisting of voluntary, community and statutory agencies with an aim to improve and promote positive mental health by sharing information, breaking down barriers and reducing stigma. This group will be supporting a number of key events locally. According to Martin Matthews Chairperson of Link Up “Health, be it physical or mental health — is often something we do not think about until something happens :only then do we realize just how little we know about it.”
These events include a project coordinated by TASK Kilkenny called ‘If You Could Bottle Happiness’. Almost 20 different organisations and community groups have taken part; Callan C.B.S Secondary School, Kingsriver Community, Active Retirement Groups, Toddler Groups and The Irish Wheelchair Association are just some of the groups participating. The resulting exhibition will surely be a feast for the eyes and is bound to put a smile on your face! Variety is the spice of life, and the Happiness Project just proves how the simple things in life can be uplifting.
The project will be displayed at the A.R.I Public Consultation on Tuesday 8th October at 2pm in the Set Theatre, Langtons. If you have experienced the Mental Health services, as a Service User, a family member or a friend, or if you provide a Mental Health service, please come along and give your input into advancing recovery in Ireland.
The Consumer Panel is hosting a talk by Dr Mike Watts phD, on ‘Recovery from Mental Illness as a Re- enchantment with Life’ on Wednesday 9th October in the Tholsel. To book a place, contact Gina on 0873101146.
On Thursday 10th Lifeline are launching Kilkenny County Suicide Prevention Strategy in the Parade Tower at 3pm by Minister Kathleen Lunch TD.
On Monday, 14th October older people are invited to join Go For Life’s Senior Group and Mental Health Ireland at the Bar and Grill Café in Mc Donagh Junction from 10am. Dr Mia McLauglin , Consultant Psychiatrist and Caroline Clifford, Community Mental Health Nurse, will be speaking at 11am on Mental Health Issues in Later Life.
A full itinerary of events is available on diary and will be projected onto buildings at various locations around Kilkenny City. If you would like to find out more on these events or on World Mental Health Week please contact Martin Matthews, Chairperson, Link Up, on 0868525562.
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