The relationship between Kilkenny Age Friendly and Tús has been very successful over the past two years. The Tús participants have been involved in promoting and developing The Age Friendly Initiative through support and collaboration with the Kilkenny Age Friendly Alliance and other groups, agencies and organisations. Kilkenny LEADER Partnership (KLP)is one of the stakeholders of the Alliance and have been involved in a variety of projects with Kilkenny Age Friendly since the start.
The Kilkenny Alliance came together on the basis of a common vision to address the environmental and social factors that contribute to active healthy ageing in Kilkenny City and County.
The project covers eight strands which are across health, social participation, transportation, communications, civic participation and outdoor spaces. The administration role provided by the Tús participants supports the Older People’s Forum and works with older people’s community groups raising awareness about Age Friendly activities and ensuring older people are involved in decided priorities, shaping action and bringing about change.
KLP is pleased to note that three participants have already gone on to secure fulltime employment before their years contract was complete. This was in part due to the confidence building and work experience gained during their placements.