“Out for the Weekend”, Kilkenny’s Gay Pride Festival, took place from the 22nd – 24th of August 2014. From the theatrical performances of Spark Productions in Graiguenmanagh to great music held in Fennelly’s of Callan, this festival is about more than gay pride. It is about participation, inclusion and a strong sense of togetherness for all, as well as pride in the diversity of our community.
A spokesperson for the festival stated, “Communities in Co. Kilkenny would not previously have had access to events that promoted Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) concerns. Support from Kilkenny LEADER Partnership (KLP) has allowed us to engage with these communities in a way we hadn’t before. For any gay, lesbian or transgender person in County Kilkenny, our intention was to provide them, not only support but with events where they engage with other LGBT people and create a sense of a county that was truly cohesive in its attitude to LGBT concerns.” He went on to say, “KLP support has given us the ability to support artists and cultural events. Being able to create arts events that whole communities can attend has been one of the joys in five years of “Out For The Weekend”.
That’s something we could not have done without KLP support. This support has been integral in spreading the message of togetherness”.
The festival is growing from strength to strength. If you are interested in supporting this festival, go to www.outfortheweekend.ie for more information.
This project was co-funded by KLP and Kilkenny County Council receiving an funding allocation of €1,000.00 from Kilkenny LEADER Partnership